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Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012

sepeda Gunung

Posted by Dwi Agustine On 04.16 No comments

Pedaling Preferences 

Suspension is the arrangement of springs or shock absorbers connecting the axles to the frame. Suspension works as a shock absorber. When a rider goes over a bump, the suspension helps the rider from breaking bones such as the tail bone.To have suspension or not is an issue argued about a lot between bicyclists. Doctors believe that suspension is what has saved many people from becoming paralyzed and may help people in the long run. No suspension causes "microtraumas" which are caused by vibration and jarring movements in the jaw. Many people agree, but others disagree. It costs more to have suspension, but it might keep you healthy.
These two pictures show the suspension on a bike.

Suspension is used normally for short rides because it gives a more comfortable ride. The downside to suspension comes in on long rides. It's much harder to ride uphill or for a long time with suspension because the bike is heavier and a rider must push down harder.

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Fisika dan Transportasi (Physic and Transportation)